Alright. Today was filled with loads of information, and I really don't remember much of it to be honest because I was very tired and at one point flustered. But I'll explain why. We got up at 9 to walk to the United Nations which is conveniently right down the road. Once there we passed through security and got a guided tour of the whole place, which is made up of the old wing and the new wing. The old wing looks like some sort of mix of the Washington D.C. capitol and the palace of Versailles, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Took lots of pictures! In the new wing we saw many of the conference rooms, which host the delegates from the 193 countries that comprise the UN. One of the things that I really liked about the UN was that many of it's rooms were made up of things contributed by different countries. For example, in the Hall of Invisible Footprints (which is used for exhibits and gives a grand view of the park), the floor was made of pink granite from Finland with black and white marble stars as a gift from Germany, and the pillars were a gift from Belgium or some other country I can't remember. One conference room was a gift from Spain and a Spanish artist had transformed the whole ceiling into the bottom of the ocean, with stalactites of all different colors coming down into the room. From wherever you sit in the conference room you get a different view of the ceiling, reminding people that different countries come from all different viewpoints. We visited the conference room where they discuss weapons of mass destruction and nuclear arsenals. We got lunch in the cafeteria and here's where the flustered-ness began. It all started with a blister bandaid. Our group was heading out and my friend Katie was giving me a band-aid, which took longer than expected to get on my foot. When we looked up, all 25 people in our group were gone and we had no idea where they were. We retraced our footsteps to the information desk and, thinking their next stop was the World Health Organization building down the road, we asked directions. We then LEFT the UN completely and almost hopped on a bus when we decided to look at our schedule and realized that the group was STILL in the UN at a lecture that had started 10 minutes earlier! So we had to go back through security and thankfully our badges got us in, and we came huffing and puffing to the lecture room after a long search. Didn't remember much from that lecture, but it was about human rights. THEN we walked as a group to the WHO and learned about public health. After this we got dinner at a department store, stopped by a chocolaterie to get yummy Swiss chocolate (which is all gone) and ate bread with ovomaltine and cheese by Lake Geneva. Played some frisbee back at the John Knox center and now I am worn out. But it was a very informative day!
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