Hello everyone!
Today and yesterday were full of classes. Again. We had three lectures each day, starting at 9 and ending at around 2:30, with a few breaks in between lectures. We were taught a detailed outline of the ENTIRE history of Egypt yesterday, from early man living here right on up to President Morsi being elected this past summer. That's thousands of years, all written down now in my notebook... well, at least points of interest in that amount of time :)
After class yesterday a small group of us took our first taxi to the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art, which is on the island. It was pretty cool, although I was bummed because we got there and I realized I'd left my memory card for my camera back in the room! So I didn't get pictures but hopefully I'll be able to borrow from some friends. I'm really bad with pictures, aren't I? Well, tomorrow I won't be--we're going to the Giza Pyramids! Woohoo! Okay but back to the present, well actually the past... the museum was really awesome and I usually don't like modern art because I've seen things like a blank white piece that is considered modern art, and I always say to myself, "I could have drawn that!" However, this museum had modern art that really impressed me and I think it took a lot of talent to make these pieces. Plus, I had an art major next to me the whole time so that made it easier to appreciate the pieces when hearing her exclamations and opinions. After the museum we went out to a cute restaurant called "Cups and Crepes" and had dinner crepes and then DESSERT crepes, of course. Mmm. My second night having crepes; I might need to tone it down a bit! The dessert crepe was peanut butter banana and honey though, so it was hard to resist.
Cups and Crepes! |
My turkey, cheese and mushroom crepe |
Today in lectures we were talking about the pyramids, which made us all really antsy for tomorrow. We also learned at length about the pharoahs and their tombs, which inspired a couple of us to take a taxi to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It was SO COOL. They had thousand-year old (and older) artifacts just sitting in huge rooms out in the open, it was kind of disorganized and some rooms looked like they'd had things just thrown in them. We could literally touch these artifacts if we wanted to. Sarcophaguses (sarcophagi?), the human-shaped painted coffins, statutes of pharoahs, hieroglyphs, all out in the open and so many of them! This was only the first floor, which hosted most of the statues and columns from ancient egypt. Then the second floor had multiple rooms dedicated just to the possessions found in King Tut's temple (his temple was the only one that hadn't been raided so everything inside was still intact). You know the gold mask of King Tut you always see in magazines? We saw it in real life. It was surreal. My favorite was his gold throne that had a scene of him and his wife depicted on the backrest, with lions' paws for legs and a footstool that depicted enemy kings so that he could show that he trampled on them. King Tut only lived to be 18, but his possessions are incredible.
The Egyptian Museum |

I'm going back to the museum again because there were so many things I didn't see. There were rooms full of handcrafted ancient model boats that reminded me of some my dad have that I would love to look at more, and rooms filled with ancient tools or papyrus scrolls with scenes depicted on them. We also bought tickets to the mummy room, which was definitely worth it. Inside we saw the mummies of Ramses II (one of the greatest pharoahs who lived to be 96 and who built most of the temples and things we will see), Queen Hatshepsut, King Tut, Amenhotep, and many others that we learned about in class. It was amazing to realize that these mummies had once been walking around and ruling a huge empire! If you're ever in Cairo, they are a sight to see--and our ticket for the separate mummy exhibit was 60 pounds, which is only 10 US dollars! What a deal. Yay for student discounts!
being goofy! |
Sorry for the long blog post, I could write tons more on this museum but I don't want to bore you. Tomorrow we go to the pyramids, which should be TONS of fun. I'll tell you all about it!
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